Aggression is a spiky energy that accumulates in our tissues. In case of danger, the body sends it to accumulate defense reaction. Aggression - is like a spring, which is compressed to release all the accumulated energy in one moment - bam and bang!
Living in society, we suppress our animal instincts and inappropriate feelings. But sooner or later they break free, or slowly traumatize us from inside, and that is why we become neurotic and just unpleasant personalities. By the law of energy transformation, aggression cannot simply disappear - it must be transformed into another kind of energy. Initially, it was thought that aggression could be let out through destructive, but safe practices — say, thrashing a pillow. But recent studies have shown that such actions only intensifies the experience of aggression and negative emotions associated with it.
We came up with a different approach - not just to releasing repressed aggression, but also to transforming it into music, rhythm and dance - ancient human trickies, by their nature, they have the ability to unite people and comb out any spikes, bugs, withered convictions and other redundant things.